You're probably familiar with the symptoms of anxiety: feeling worried, racing thoughts, and being irritable. But while being ...
So with so many thoughts, is an anxious person also creative? A study published in The Journal of Creative Behavior revealed ...
While fitness trackers are designed to provide valuable health information and boost well-being, experts say obsessing over ...
It's normal to be freaked out by air travel. Here are five easy tips to ease your flight anxiety once and for all.
Mr. Haidt’s latest book, “The Anxious Generation,” claims that ... aren’t the causes of mental-health problems in young people, but rather symptoms.
I am an anxious person. If there is something to worry about, you can bet I have worried about it. If there is something too silly and too nonsensical to worry about, you can bet I have worried ...
Feeling anxious about flying? Experts share practical advice to help you stay calm and in control during your next flight.
In hypothetical scenarios, like the date scenario task, anxious people came up with many ideas, but they were repetitive. In practical scenarios, like the money task, anxious participants ...