Master practical strategies to guide difficult conversations toward productive outcomes—all while keeping your cool.
It’s not what you say but how you say it. In the throes of emotional conversation, we can bond through building rapport.
We all encounter difficult people in our lives, whether it's a negative colleague, an overbearing friend or a resentful family member. Knowing how to deal with these individuals is one of the ...
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a handbook of instructions on managing unpleasant people? Well, there is, and it is called Getting Along: How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People ...
Hearing that, it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up." Ms Billings added: "I've always liked being able to help ...
In short, give yourself all the grace if you find yourself vigorously nodding and relating to the eight traits that psychologists say people who had difficult childhoods often have as adults.
The ‘people stuff’ is by far the hardest part of office life: everyone knows someone they struggle to work with. The problem might be them, it might be you – but more likely it’s a lack of ...
Two people, who hate everyone but each other, wonder why they are unable to make friends. With Billy Eichner, James Urbaniak, and Julie Klausner. Produced by Universal Cable Productions.
Life is really tough for Julie Kessler (Julie Klausner) and Billy Epstein (Billy Eichner), two thirty-something aspiring comics living and working in New York City. While their friends and ...
Because people can be wounded through both words and behavior, formulating a response tailored to the grievance expressed facilitates a personalized solution. Cooling Down the Hot Seat.