Support skipper butterflies and add clumps of blue-green color to the landscape by planting several little bluestem grasses. The drought-tolerant grass with attractive foliage reaches a height of ...
Birds also like to eat the seeds of blue fescue as well. A key benefit of this ornamental grass is that it's drought-tolerant -- it can grow well in climates that are on the drier side.
Here's why and how I plant ornamental grasses, although many are not hardy in our area and must be treated as annuals.
Learn about easy-to-grow monkey grasses—from liriope to mondo grass—and how to use these ground covers in a variety of ways in your landscape.
A Lazarus heart beats inside an obscure grass. Rip it from the soil ... hold tremendous promise toward engineering stronger drought-tolerance in crops, and the effects soon could reach farmland.
TF is considered a clump-type grass, yet it does produce small rhizomes that aid in lateral spread and stand recovery. They are extremely wear resistant; drought-, heat- and salt-tolerant; and ...