Every week, you’ll find advice from our team of psychologists to help you through all the ups and downs of life.
These might include disorientation, feeling suddenly hot or ... difficulty breathing is another common symptom of panic attacks that can increase the fear you’re experiencing," explains Amanda ...
Virtually everyone knows what it's like to feel really scared: A pounding heartbeat. Faster breathing. Nervous perspiration. Butterflies in the stomach. But whether that fright is caused by ...
Anxiety can also cause physical symptoms, such as a fast or irregular heartbeat ... A person with dementia who is feeling anxious may feel scared to be left on their own and so follow a partner or ...
When Mo felt some reprieve from her symptoms in September 2023, she was seeing an occupational therapist in the hopes of ...
1. Fatigue Both Bonta and Meyers listed fatigue — tiredness that doesn't get better with rest — as a cancer symptom that's easy to miss. This can include insomnia (feeling tired but being ...
Wondering what’s going on inside your body when you’re feeling anxious ... one of the other mental symptoms of anxiety – anxiety sensitivity – refers to the fear that people with anxiety ...
“This triggers more tension, anxiety, stress and fear,” explains Alison. “This causes defensive riding, and could actually make another incident more likely.” Riders feeling scared after ...