George Zimmerman, the neighbourhood watch volunteer ... Finally, on 11 April 2012, Florida State Attorney Angela Corey charged Zimmerman with murder. During his trial, the jurors were asked ...
One of George Zimmerman 's defense lawyers said that George Zimmerman "never would have been charged" with a crime in the death of Trayvon Martin if Zimmerman were black. Mark O'Mara also said ...
"I'm pretty sure if the Zimmerman-Martin incident had occurred in Illinois, a good prosecutor would have convicted George Zimmerman of manslaughter," Moran says. But it didn't. Given the different ...
George Zimmerman was "by no stretch of the imagination ... a physician's assistant who treated him testified. His attorney Mark O'Mara was apparently doing his best to put rumors about a ...
who came under scrutiny for her handling of the prosecution of George Zimmerman in 2013, lost her re-election bid. Via the Florida Times-Union: Melissa Nelson, an unknown corporate lawyer and ...
George Zimmerman, who was acquitted of the 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin, is suing the teen's parents, family attorney, the attorney's book publisher and prosecutors who tried his case ...
George Zimmerman, the Florida resident who was acquitted in the death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in 2013, sustained minor injures from a shooting incident Monday afternoon, the Lake ...