Mayor Brandon Johnson cajoled a slim majority of alders to approve his irresponsible $830 million bond plan. Investors are ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson was in the hot seat in Washington, D.C. Wednesday, testifying before a congressional committee on ...
The City Council narrowly approved Mayor Brandon Johnson's controversial $830 million bond deal to finance neighborhood infrastructure improvements, despite complaints that a back-loaded repayment ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson struggled mightily to win approval Wednesday from the City Council to float $830 million in bonds to finance infrastructure work around the city. But win he did after having to ...
City officials laid out their plan Tuesday for an “accelerated moving event” at the Northwest Side park where people have ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson is losing another top aide ... Early also worked on Johnson’s early legislative wins to expand paid time off requirements, eliminate the sub-minimum wage for tipped ...
Mayor Johnson has received input from the likes of former mayors Lori Lightfoot and Rahm Emanuel, and former U.S. Education ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson on Wednesday followed through on his promise to shine the light on the gifts he has accepted “on behalf of the city,” and the log and “gift room” video included no ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson arrived in Washington, D.C. on Sunday ahead of a Congressional hearing Democrats expect will be light ...
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson suggested to attendees at a church appearance that he will be firing several city employees within his administration. The musing reportedly stunned those in ...
CHICAGO (WLS) -- Mayor Brandon Johnson was in the hot seat in Washington ... "I don't think there was ever going to be a win here today. I think he had to avoid losing big on a national stage." ...