Someone cut off the head of a sea lion in Northern California and rode off with it in a bag. Authorities are now offering $20 ...
A California condor, known as Pey-noh-pey-o-wok', has died from lead poisoning just months after being released into the wild ...
State wildlife officials fitted 12 Northern California gray wolves with satellite tracking collars last month in order to better understand their behavior and ecology. The animals were captured ...
Lead is the single biggest threat to condors in the wild and is responsible for nearly half of released condor mortalities ...
A casual conversation on a 2023 flight exposed several wildlife crimes committed by three Northern California residents, state officials said.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is investigating a wildlife sanctuary in Butte County over alleged animal neglect.
The herd is working near the Vista Hermosa Sports Park and will munch non-native plants and dead brush across 10 acres of ...
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife reported today that the state currently has seven known wolf families amid ...
The wolves were captured from and released back to three packs in Siskiyou, Lassen and Sierra counties, state wildlife ...