In one form or another, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church has stood in Grant County since 1899, and Monday night’s fire was the ...
A church in Muskogee was damaged by a fire just days before Ash Wednesday. Firefighters said no one was inside at the time ...
Anyone exposed to music understands the paramount importance of a troupe of instrumentalists and vocalists being utterly ...
French-born painter, a three term Baton Rouge mayor and the former owner of the building that became Baton Rouge’s old post ...
This week, across the New Orleans area, descendants of Sicilian immigrants will lay out elaborate altars laden with food and ...
Firefighters in Muskogee responded to a fire atSt Joseph Catholic Church Monday morning.According to Father Gary East, Vicar ...
Churches across Green Country observed Ash Wednesday, including one in Muskogee that was damaged earlier this week by a fire.
For Catholics around the world, this is a special year, a “Jubilee Year,” as declared by Pope Francis. Every 25 years, the ...
ATF agents are investigating after a fire at a church in Muskogee on Monday morning. Crews responded to a fire at St. Joseph ...
Join St. Mary Catholic Church in Orange for the 26th Saint Joseph Altar celebration with Mass, blessings, and an ...