A recently completed build-to-rent scheme located in the heart of Glasgow has been refinanced following a £14.4m loan from ...
February brought a 4% year-on-year increase in rents. Rents in England are now £1,209 per property on average, compared to £1 ...
Newly released data from Shawbrook has highlighted a growing number of bridging loans being used by landlords to purchase buy ...
New research has revealed that lower energy prices or a reduced council tax rate would encourage more to take action on ...
Rents are growing fastest in more affordable cities like Blackburn, Stoke, and Rochdale according to Zoopla's latest data.
The research shows that, fittingly, it’s streets with pancake in the name that command the highest price, with an average sold price of £1.16m over the last year. Not only do pancake-related street ...
House building in the North of England needs to see the greatest uplift compared to other regions to reach the government’s national target of 370,000 homes per year. However, according to the latest ...
As the qualifying criteria opens up new opportunities for leaseholders, ALEP shares its advice for all involved.
Labour has pledged to deliver 1.5m new homes by 2029 - equating to an annual delivery total of well over 300,000.
The latest research by London lettings and estate agent, Benham and Reeves, has revealed that in now less than 24 areas of ...
Overall, homeowners aged 60+ were the most worried about break-ins out of all age groups, with 54% of respondents from the ...
Features such as driveways, spacious gardens and en-suite bathrooms are now taking priority over energy efficiency among ...