Here is the conclusion from the just-released economic analysis by the California Air Resources Board’s of AB32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: The analysis we have conducted indicates that ...
It’s not often that California voters support a ballot measure by over a two-thirds vote but that’s what they did in 1992 when rejecting a sales tax on snack foods and candy. Now Assembly members ...
Conservative California politicos should take a pro-active position on climate. Doing so would pitch a curve ball into the field of play, and ultimately be an important contributor to rebalancing ...
Doctors and dentists filed a tax increase initiative on sugary drinks for the 2020 ballot. Naturally, the soda industry is opposed. The question is will they have allies in this fight to oppose the ...
California officials have made it no secret that for the state to adequately reduce its greenhouse gases, a wholesale change is needed in how we transport ourselves and the goods we consume. Namely, ...
Every year for the last two-and-a-half decades a lobbyist friend and I ...
In 2005, I wrote in a document titled, Creating a Business Friendly California, meant to energize the business community: "To achieve a business friendly California, the business community must speak ...
California environmental regulators have proposed a multitude of new rules that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions below their 1990 levels. Virtually every measure would cost a lot of money, ...
Last week, the New York Times posted an opinion piece on the merits of public health initiatives. The authors, economist Austin Frakt and pediatrician Aaron E. Carroll, make the case that public ...
The prison guard union’s announcement that it will file recall papers against Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger may not work out as union officials expect. This action will put a spotlight on the union ...
November. This measure was designed to halt the practice of governments imposing new taxes without the constitutionally required vote, by falsely labeling them as "fees," "surcharges," and with other ...
Recently, Orange County’s biggest private employer has been in the spotlight over a suit filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by Imane Boudlal, a restaurant hostess working at ...