If you’ve ever wondered why is the bald eagle our national bird, we’ll give you the circumstances around the decision. When ...
As the bird flu outbreak in California dairies appears to be slowing, a study by researchers at UC Merced found that San Joaquin Valley dairy workers are feeling unprotected and ...
In March of 1975, an extremely rare Ross's Gull was confirmed for the first time in the Lower 48. The sighting and the frenzy ...
The song of the chingolo can be heard across South America. But young songbirds were no longer learning the tunes of their ...
Bird flu, or H5N1 avian influenza, has been circulating across North America since 2022, infecting birds, livestock, wildlife ...
From its 18th century roots, Vienna’s celebrated ball season has evolved and now involves teenagers learning to waltz by ...
Christian Stocker, leader of the Austrian People's Party (Oevp), speaks during the presentation of the People's Party government team in Vienna. The executive boards of the conservative Austrian ...
TUPELO — Keep Tupelo Beautiful and Doyce Deas, founder of the Daffodil Project, received national awards for their work earlier this month during the Keep America Beautiful National Conference ...
He spent much of his career as a local politician in Lower Austria province before entering the national parliament in 2019. The highest elected office he has held so far was that of deputy mayor ...
He spent much of his more than three decades in politics as a local politician in Lower Austria province before entering the national parliament in 2019. The highest elected office he has held so ...
The Great Backyard Bird Count – coordinated by Birds Canada, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and the National Audubon Society – took place over the Family Day Weekend amid snowy conditions ...
Austria's conservative People's Party (ÖVP) on Thursday announced a government coalition with two centrist parties that excludes the far right, which came first in elections in September.