After years of steady gains, a decades-long conservation program dedicated to the Kemp's ridley hits rough seas ...
The Mississippi Aquarium released 19 Kemp Ridley sea turtles. Kemp Ridley turtles are physically small but are a largely ...
Explore how green sea turtles adapt their nesting timing in response to climate change and rising sea temperatures.
Loggerhead turtles can recognize the magnetic signatures that they associate with getting a nice meal – and do an adorable little dance when they do! That’s according to new research that ...
The findings provide evidence that two different mechanisms of magnetoreception underlie the magnetic map and magnetic compass in sea turtles.” The findings suggest that migratory species such ...
“With sea turtles, they're a protected species ... “Our results show that even within one species, you can have two different ways of sensing the magnetic field,” Lohmann said.
(WLOX) - The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies (IMMS) released three rehabbed Kemp’s ridley sea ... a different story then we have to react.” You can track the movements of the two turtles ...
“Each receiver is maintained by different scientists or organisations ... project leader and aquarium curator in charge of sea turtle rehabilitation at Bayworld. “It’s like a loved one ...
But this year has been different. The online (easterly ... Fishermen said that in addition to trawlers, gill nets, and squid nets, sea turtles face significant threats from the plastic waste ...