The best Exotic weapons in Destiny 2 will serve the evolving meta well, and with Episode Heresy, things have changed once more so that a new line-up of classic Exotic weapons can become the stars ...
Here's the best Arc weapons can offer. There are some truly strong Artifact Perks in Episode Heresy that players need to know about as they jump into endgame content like PvE’s Dungeons ...
Destiny 2's Episode Heresy brings a new story and an extensive catalog of tweaks and additions. Among these changes, the game has introduced three new subclass Aspects, one for each class ...
Several books are out of print, so you’d have to hunt down used editions. And many books in the Horus Heresy series simply aren’t worth your time. Reddit user cd8d has shared a guide to the ...
In late January, North Carolina Governor Josh Stein announced $30 million in grants to fund his state's recovery from Hurricane Helene. Included in that total was $6 million for two faith-based ...
In this Destiny 2 guide, we’ll walk you through how to complete the “Derealize” Exotic mission so you can finally get the Barrow-Dyad Exotic submachine gun. Once you’ve grabbed every Taken ...
Ryan Simmons has lived in West Broadway for over a decade. After a new owner bought the building he lives in, they replaced light fixtures, resurfaced the parking lot, and hiked his rent.
Manitoba has had a late start to cold and flu season, but the province says case numbers have started to rise. Brent Roussin, chief provincial public health officer, says ERs and ICUs are feeling ...
Destiny 2 Episode Heresy is the final chapter in the Light vs. Darkness saga, bringing various changes to the meta, a heavy narrative, and several challenges. Weekly objectives, or seasonal ...
The StarPhoenix asked Estevan Web Printing if we could be there to record the final day of newspaper printing in Saskatchewan, but production manager Corey Dornian politely said he didn’t want ...