Stella Courtright Stimson was sitting in the gallery of the Indiana State Senate in February 1913, watching legislators ...
Letter writer Ricky Kendall (“Solution offered,” Sept. 6) promoted the current Democrat misinformation when he stated that the immigration bill that Republicans opposed was a bipartisan fix to ...
It now appears the Democratic presidential candidate may be more aggressive in stopping the flow of “migrants” through the U.S. southern border. Maine 1st Congressional District candidate Ron Russell ...
Where the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, or USCIS, denied an I-130 petition, but its reasons were not supported by the law, or it did not provide a reasoned response in its ...
Stone’s letter regarding how we benefit from the immigration of people from other cultures was so right. The rich fabric of our country is stronger and more beautiful when we have the added ...
More than 200 organizations sent a letter to North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper Wednesday asking him to veto a controversial immigration and education spending bill.
Immigration has become an exaggerated political issue, especially considering we or our ancestors all came here as immigrants, including native Americans, who arrived from Asia way before anybody ...
Joseph Sabino Mistick blames Donald Trump for seeking an advantage in the coming election by helping kill the Democrats’ recent bill to “provide sweeping immigration and border security reforms.” ...
He says that illegals are bringing fentanyl to the U.S., but according to, “U.S. citizens traveling through legal ports of entry – not undocumented immigrants – are primarily to ...