Infected sea urchin on Reunion Island. Photo credit: Jean-Pascal Quod.
The red sea urchin (Mesocentrotus franciscanus) is one of the earth's longest-living animals, reported to live more than 100 years without showing signs of aging. To further understand the genetic ...
There are growing concerns about the worldwide expansion of coral reef destruction. Research team: “This is an extremely ...
"Today, this species no longer exists in significant ... have very limited means to address." The sea urchin Diadema setosum before (left) and after (right) mortality. The white skeleton is ...
Sea urchin or uni is definitely an acquired taste. But, what part of this unique shellfish are you actually eating when you ...
A scuticociliate parasite is causing mass die-offs of sea urchins across the Caribbean, Red Sea and Indian Ocean, leading to algal overgrowth on coral reefs. Scientists warn this could trigger ...
Two underwater sea lilies were eaten and regurgitated around 66 million years ago. They were preserved as fossilized vomit.