How white supremacists used the loosely moderated social media platform Telegram to inspire lethal violence — until authorities took them down.
Filmmaker Talia Shea Levin, producer Kara Grace Miller, and editor Lynn Hong break down their midnight short, premiered at ...
These Trent Reznor film scores are absolutely stunning, and it was wise for the Nine Inch Nails frontman to make the move toward cinema.
It’s a captivating story in itself, but the fictionalised retelling by the actors and director David Fincher was an immediate ...
Why do we love rom-coms? After sitting down with the cast and crew of “Meet Cute in Manhattan” (2025), we may have an answer.
October 8” uncovers the hate that has gripped college campuses in hopes of making people take antisemitism more seriously.
The wrestling manager and on-air talent is ready to leverage social media and the scale of Netflix to take his storylines to ...
Like Mr Rogers Before Him, How 'Saved By The Bell's Peter Engel Found Faith & A Path Toward Moral-Driven Youth TV ...
Andrew Garfield, Oscar nominated actor’s most-watched film is soon going to be removed from Amazon Prime. The fans of the ...