The Latvian Defense Ministry has ordered an unspecified number of Patria 6x6 armored personnel carriers for Ukraine, the ...
Latvia has ordered Patria 6x6 armoured personnel carriers to be delivered to Ukraine later this year. Source: European Pravda ...
Triecienā nopietni bojāti ēkas trīs stāvi, izsisti 500 logi un iznīcināts elektroenerģijas padeves punkts. Ēkā arī nācās atslēgt apkuri. Trieciena vietā nekavējoties ieradās neatliekamās medicīniskās ...
It was initially hoped the operation would relieve pressure on other parts of the more than 1,000km-long (620 miles) frontline, particularly in eastern Ukraine. Moscow is continuing its relentless ...
Latvijas speciālisti arī šogad turpinās apmācīt Ukrainas ārstus mikroķirurģijā un smagu kara traumu ārstēšanā, fokusējoties uz Ļvivas, Ivano Frankivskas un Viņņicas klīnikām, organizējot kopējus ...
Ungārija neatbalstīs sankcijas Krievijai, kamēr Ukraina neatjaunos gāzes piegādes pa Ukrainu šķērsojošo gāzesvadu, intervijā portālam "" paziņojis Ungārijas premjerministrs Viktors Orbāns.
Brendan Cole is a Newsweek Senior News Reporter based in London, UK. His focus is Russia and Ukraine, in particular the war started by Moscow. He also covers other areas of geopolitics including ...
Ukrainas valdība piedāvā stipendijas Latvijas studentiem studijām Ukrainas augstskolās, taču Valsts izglītības attīstības aģentūra (VIAA) iesaka rūpīgi izvērtēt došanos šādās studijās, ņemot vērā ...
Here are the key developments on the 1,063rd day of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Ukrainian servicemen of 24th Mechanized Brigade train for battle near the front line in the country's ...
Ukraine launched a lightning thrust into the Russian oblast of Kursk last August, taking Russian border guards by surprise. The government in Kyiv made it clear at the time that it had no ...
Finland's Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen said she believes there'll be a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine this year. "I'm pretty sure there will be a peace agreement this year," said ...
President Trump said Russian President Vladimir Putin is “destroying Russia” with its nearly three-year war in Ukraine, adding he hopes the Kremlin leader is open to making a deal to end the ...