South Tarrant County was under a tornado warning until about 5:30 a.m., but sirens sounded across Fort Worth and other cities ...
Dallas man Drew Stephenson made it his mission to eat at every Michelin-starred restaurant in Texas. He finished the final ...
Transit officials say that two legislative proposals would translate into "noticeable and immediate degradation" of the DART ...
DFW Refugee Outreach Services, a nonprofit that helps refugees in North Texas, says it is struggling to serve the rising ...
If you’re in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, there are plenty of ways to celebrate on Sunday, March 2 with great food, live music ...
As storms move through North Texas with heavy rain and high speed winds, if you have a flight out of DFW this morning, check ...
A squall line of severe storms swept across North Texas early Tuesday morning, bringing hurricane-force winds, property ...
DALLAS — North Texans woke up to high winds and severe storms moving through the Metroplex early Tuesday morning. The severe ...
Courts around North Texas want people with outstanding low-level warrants to voluntarily resolve them without risk of arrest.
They said everyone panicked because they thought there was an active shooter at the NCA All Star Championship cheer event.
The DPD did say that many people suffered non-life-threatening injuries during the mass exodus from the convention center.