Minor changes to content under the 'Investigation' heading: The following sentence has been removed: Cases categorised as high risk should normally be identified as serious and complex in the force ...
In the introduction section, the line for further information was amended to delete date and the word 'interim'. The link was also deleted and replaced with the correct, working link. Changes were ...
Item 22 on the checklist - amended wording from harassment and stalking to harassment or stalking.
We have worked with Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary to develop two new smarter practices to support forces’ response to Police Perpetrated Domestic Abuse (PPDA). Smarter practice refers to ...
Dedicated training for officers and staff in neighbourhood policing teams is to be rolled out across England and Wales. The Neighbourhood Policing Pathway is currently being piloted in eleven forces ...
Going equipped is the College's operational and frontline publication written by and for police officers and staff.