3 days ago · National Telecommunications and Information Administration. NTIA is the Executive Branch agency that is principally responsible for advising the President on telecommunications and information policy issues.
NTIA established the Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth in July 2021, as directed by the ACCESS BROADBAND Act. OICG is charged with coordinating a whole -of-government approach to ensure that
2730 Federal Register/Vol. 87, No. 12/Wednesday, January 19, 2022/Rules and Regulations on the use of the radio frequency spectrum for radio transmissions for telecommunications or for other purposes. The NTIA Manual is the compilation of policies and procedures
Aug 14, 2020 · Version Number: 01-2019 2 Per organizational procedure, PII is retained and used for business purposes only and is minimized as much as possible, with the printed Table Mountain access requests destroyed after
The Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund Learn more INNOVATION COMPETITION SECURITY Unlike traditional radio access networks (RAN), Open RAN is interoperable.
4 be reserved for U.S. Territories.2 Congress has also appropriated an additional $250,000,000, less administrative expenses, for fiscal year 2025 which is anticipated to become available in October of 2024.
www.ntia.gov Updated as of March 2021 Associate Administrator Doug Kinkoph 1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230 The Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications (OTIA) works to expand broadband connectivity and digital inclusion across America and administers the BroadbandUSA program.
2 technologies enable – from new research and development, to new applications, to new services and the thousands of uses they enable. Finally, NSC appreciates NTIA’s and DoD’s focus on the open 5G stack and believes that
6 The ABI is comprised of three major workstreams: Leveraging Federal Assets for Broadband Deployment, Streamlining Federal Permitting (SFP), and Maximizing the Impact of Federal Funding. Each of these workstreams is led by and comprised of agencies with particular